buzzword bingo with Rails

I ran into “Integrating Elm with Rails 5.1” post on Pragmatic Studio blog a month ago.

And then I wanted to use this Rails setting while watching Pragmatic Studio Elm course. In the video, what is used was node server.js. I preferred not to understand how it works, so I did the same thing in Rails.

This is what we need at the lesson. It’s not other than just rendering JSON with 5 random buzzword entries in the back-end. For example:

    id: 3,
    phrase: "In The Cloud",
    points: 300
    id: 8,
    phrase: "User-Centric",
    points: 175
    id: 2,
    phrase: "Doing Agile",
    points: 200
    id: 10,
    phrase: "Synergize",
    points: 375
    id: 4,
    phrase: "Rock-Star Ninja",
    points: 400

In app/controllers/entries_controller.rb, following is what I did. This code is rendering 5 random entries as JSON.

class EntriesController < ApplicationController
  def random_entries
    @entries = Entry.order("RANDOM()").limit(5)

We need more code, on top of the Integrating Elm with Rails 5.1. We need a route, and a table, as well as a controller.


  scope defaults: {format: :json} do
    get '/random-entries' => 'entries#random_entries'

generate Entry model

rails generate model Entry phrase:string points:integer
rails db:migrate

And if you prefer, you can copy and paste this into your db/seeds.rb file. and run rails db:seed

    phrase: "Future-Proof",
    points: 100
    phrase: "Doing Agile",
    points: 200
    phrase: "In The Cloud",
    points: 300
    phrase: "Rock-Star Ninja",
    points: 400
    phrase: "Best of Breed",
    points: 150
    phrase: "Reactive",
    points: 250
    phrase: "Zero to Hero",
    points: 350
    phrase: "User-Centric",
    points: 175
    phrase: "Cross-Platform",
    points: 225
    phrase: "Synergize",
    points: 375

Of course, you’re using Rails 5.1 – and you have read the great post on Pragmatic Studio blog, and taking their Building Web Apps with Elm course.

Ah, don’t forget. Elm code should be changed accordingly. Let us change getEntries command on app/javascript/packs/Bingo.elm file.

getEntries : Cmd Msg
getEntries =
    Http.send NewEntries (Http.get "/random-entries" (Decode.list entryDecoder))

… because it’s not a separate server (as like http://localhost:3000/random-entries) any more. I deployed with Heroku, and it was a very simple process.


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